The Listening Podcast
The Listening Podcast features conversations with fascinating people in the world of music, film & art. We talk about how they got started, obstacles they faced, their personal creative process, and what inspires them.
The Listening Podcast
Listening with Chris Douridas Part 2 - Music Tastemaker
Liquid Cinema
Season 1
Episode 2
Audio Player
00:00 | 31:01
Jeff Rona interviews Chris Douridas - one of the most influential and ardent supporters of new independent music. As music director and DJ for KCRW Chris has discovered some of today’s most important artists. Listen to Chris talk about how he discovers and helps the best new artists find a place in the music world.
"Can we talk about categories for a second? They're my biggest pet peeve. Genres are the creation of journalists."
For more on Chris Douridas, go to KCRW.
For more on Liquid Cinema, visit www.liquidcinema.com
For more on Blue Microphones, visit www.bluedesigns.com